Up, Down and Around with Ease: Teaching Movement for Active Aging

Continuing Education



Continuing Education

Up, Down and Around with Ease: Teaching Movement for Active Aging

Course Description: 

This course will lay the foundations of concepts and techniques for movement training for senior populations. We will use the framework of Bartenieff Fundamentals and Laban Movement Analysis to assess, understand, and work with the fundamental movements we need in the later years of life. Rolling, sitting, standing, walking, getting up and down from the floor, reaching to all areas of the space around us…all essential to keeping us mobile, strong, adaptable, and independent. Movement patterning and exercise protocols that support these essential movement needs will be addressed first. Later classes will address specific needs and situations of particular interest to class participants.

Major issues in the aging community: Balance, Posture, Fall Prevention, Osteoporosis

By understanding how BF works and organizing it for our population we can address these major issues. What to expect from John and Dianne in this course:

  • Moving beyond biomechanics to flourish at any age
  • Designing and teaching programs to help clients grow and maintain activity
  • Thinking differently about muscles and strength
  • How BF draws energy from the surroundings and the interior of the body
  • Learn about Rhythmic Patterned Exercise (Levin, 2011)
  • How BF contributes to our efficiency, patterning, and self-organization
  • Learn about ‘activated chains that control movement’ (from Bartenieff, 1980)
Instructors’ Short Bios: 

Dianne L. Woodruff, CMA, PhD, is a Certified Movement Analyst with a doctorate in Somatic Education, and has been teaching and writing for 40 years. She is a former professional modern dancer. A Registered Somatic Movement Therapist (ISMETA), she practiced privately for many years working with people who have movement difficulties and unresolved myofascial pain. Her fitness video series, 3-D WORKOUT, first came out in 2001; her videos are widely viewed. Her dissertation on Bartenieff Fundamentals and her recent book, Moving from Within, on Bartenieff Fundamentals, are resources for students and clients. She teaches internationally in the USA, Italy, and Canada. www.3dworkout.com.

John Chanik has taught and worked in the field of Movement Analysis since 1989. John has been on the faculty of the Yearlong, Intensive, Modular and New Pathways formats of the LIMS Certification Program in Laban Bartenieff Movement Studies since 1991. He coordinates the Yearlong format of the LIMS Certification Program in New York City. He also co-coordinated and co-taught the LIMS Certification Program in Laban Movement Studies in Taiwan. John has a private practice in therapeutic fitness, movement coaching and Connective Tissue Therapy. John works with many populations from the elderly to dancers. John has taught Laban Movement Analysis and Bartenieff FundamentalsSM in mainland China for Apollo, China. John worked for seven years at Dr. Richard Bachrach’s Center for Osteopathic Medicine. John has taught in Connective Tissue Therapy training programs with Theresa Lamb, been a movement specialist at the Sports Training Institute in NYC, and taught dance in NYC public schools. John has an extensive background in modern dance and ballet and holds a BFA from the University of Utah. John is certified in Permaculture Design and is an ardent environmentalist with great interest in investigating and adopting methods for sustainable living.

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Continuing Education



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